How to Send Bulk Messages?

How to Send Bulk Messages?

Posted on : 21 Aug, 2021    |    Last Update - 3 years ago   

Sending bulk messages has always been considered an excellent chance for small and large companies as well as start-up firms that come to life within the many versions of WhatsApp, because it allows them to quickly send messages to all customers, share promotions, give relevant information, or highlight special events.

What are WhatsApp bulk messages?

WhatsApp bulk messages are a very effective method businesses use to contact leads and build customer loyalty that can include videos and images, as well as the ability to express their message with an unlimited number of characters.

How to Send Bulk Messages on WhatsApp Marketing Tool?

Step 1: Log in to ProfitContact

Step 2: Scanning WhatsApp QR Code

Step 3: Select Send Bulk Messaging

To use this feature please select Send Bulk Messaging Feature at the left Menu

Step 4: Creating Contact Groups

  • Following these steps: Contact group/ Add new
  • Wih Update Box, inputting the name of Group Contact

Step 5: Importing WhatsApp Numbers list

  • Following these steps: Contact group/ Import Contact
  • Add multiple phone numbers:
    Every phone number must be all one with its dial code. Each phone number is separated by a break line
    E.g. ( 84) 1234567890 must me 841234567890

    Validate Example:

Step 6: Creating Campaigns

  • Campaign Name: typing your name of the campaign which make you separate from others
  • Select contact group: it will be shown all groups for choosing
  • File Manager:  Where store all images/videos and audios
  • Upload: Click the upload icon to take media files from your computer
  • Enter your caption: Creating your content campaigns at this place.
  • Random message by Spintax: For example: {Hi|Hello|Hola}
  • Get Caption: Click here to get Saved Captions to post
  • Save Caption:  Clicker to save new caption in your database
  • Time Post:
  • Random message interval by the minimum (minute)
  • After all your settings, clicking SCHEDULE to start sending your campaigns.

Step 7: Checking All Campaigns that are Scheduled.

All your Bulk Messages Campaigns will be shown here.

  • Sent:
  • Pending:
  • Failed:

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